Welcome to Hancock County Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity was founded based on the conviction that every man, woman & child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity & safety. Worldwide, Habitat affiliates improve people’s housing conditions through new home construction, rehabilitation, repairs or increased access to improved shelter through partnerships with the private sector.
Partnering with economically disadvantaged individuals & families, Hancock County Habitat seeks to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent, affordable shelter a matter of conscience & action. Through monetary & in-kind donations, volunteer labor, and each partner’s “sweat equity", we are able to complete projects which are then financed under 0-interest (0% APR) or zero-equivalent mortgage(s) and/or through third-party credit. E.H.O.
How You Can Help
Suggested symbolic gift amounts:
$25 - Lockset
$50 - Box of Nails
$100 - Kitchen Sink
$175 - Window
$225 - Exterior Door
$500 - Countertops
$1,000 - Wallboard
$1,500 - Flooring
$2,000 - Siding
Donations will be used where needed most.
Hancock County Habitat for Humanity relies on volunteers and gifts from individuals, corporations and other community groups to support our house-building mission. All donations (be they of your time, your talent, or your tithe) in any amount are deeply appreciated. The generosity of our supporters allows us to build more decent, affordable houses in partnership with deserving families who then purchase these houses through no-profit mortgage loans.
Learn more:
Please consider supporting Hancock County Habitat For Humanity with a financial gift.
Are you an individual or business who can donate specialized services or materials? Consider an in-kind donation.
Have land we can build on? We are always looking for land donations.
Note: We are unable to accept your generous donations of used items because we don't have a ReStore to distribute them back to the community.
Donate a Car
Donate your car online or
call 1-877-277-4344.
What's Happening at Hancock County Habitat for Humanity?
We are happy to share our updates with people interested in what we do. Sign up below to get our updates in your email inbox. You can opt out anytime. Also click here for past newsletters.